Spring (Summer?) cleaning

Posted on Jun 5, 2014 in Life
Spring (Summer?) cleaning

How often do you clean out your smartphone? I use my iPhone pretty frequently. But I tend to forgot that it’s a computer just like my laptop. It has memory and storage just like my MacBook Pro. It’s not something I really thought about.

I recently read an article about how to clean up your phone. I followed their advice and went through my iPhone:

  • delete unnecessary apps
  • delete old texts/voicemails/call history
  • move photos/videos to computer

I had text conversations from 2012. Including a wrong number text (Why was I keeping that?). Most of the apps I had were to sites/services I only access on my computer at home like Pinterest, Tumblr, and my banking site. I also had a bunch of photos from a class project I did Spring 2013.

Getting rid of all that freed up 3+ GB. That’s a lot of space that I can use to shoot videos since a dedicated video camera is out of my budget right now.

Check out the videos I made now that my iPhone has more space.