Creating Repeating Patterns Without Tearing Your Hair Out

I decided to open an Etsy shop. I’ll be selling hand printed greeting cards and notebooks. The past few months have been filled with planning and researching (How do I open an Etsy shop? What do I sell? TAXES?!?!). But now comes the fun creative part: making patterns and designs to go on my cards […]
Blogiversary: Year in review
I started this blog on January 7, 2014. The first post was pretty short. The gist of it was be more creative and productive in 2014. Which, incidentally, is on my 2015 New Year’s resolution list. The post also introduced a painting project I started: the Queen series (no, not that Queen). Today is January […]
Process: One for sorrow…

“One for sorrow…” is my latest watercolor painting. It’s been awhile since I worked with watercolor. It was nice getting back into them. I’d forgotten how much I like watercolor. I made sure to document each step so I could share it with you guys. Here goes: Brainstorming: “One for sorrow…” is my submission for […]
My avian obsession

So…I like birds. Not to the point that I’m out with binoculars but still…I think they’re pretty. If you’ve been through my portfolio you have probably noticed this interest. It started in college while doing my printmaking minor. Using fables and myths was my way of incorporating my major (illustration) into my prints. And birds […]
Process: Don’t Blink

I’ve been watching a lot of Doctor Who recently. The Weeping Angels are the scariest bad guys on show. Mostly because of the jump scare — they move when you’re not looking and suddenly it’s right behind you. Freaks me out every time. So, of course, I had to make art about them! Concept and […]
Fowl: a handbound book

The final project (if I recall correctly) for my screenprinting class at SCAD was a handbound book. My professor taught us some basic bookbinding techniques (kicking off a new interest for me) and asked us to create an artist book. My book, Fowl, combined two things: memories of my grandparents and my fascination with birds. […]
DIY Stretched canvas

Along with the large canvases I didn’t need. I also bought a bunch of raw canvas. I had the intention of stretching my own canvases in the sizes and dimensions of my choosing. And I did! At least nine of them. This won’t be a real step-by-step tutorial but I’ll give you a general idea. […]
Favorites: Bookbinding

Bookbinding is an old art. People still do it today but how often do you run across a handbound book? I love books in general — holding them, turning the pages, putting them in my bookcase. So the idea that I can make books is great. I started making books in college. We had to […]
I think I’m an art supply hoarder

I used to work at an art supply store while I was in college. And an art student with an employee discount at an art store? Like a kid in a candy shop. And I had no will power. Especially when there were clearance or sale items. I minored in Printmaking at SCAD during which […]
Painting aftermath

I wanted to show you all what my set up looks like after I finish painting. These pictures were from an acrylic painting class I taught. I don’t use anything too fancy. I think that’s a leftover from college. I don’t have a lot of space to work in (my “studio” is my bedroom) and […]
In the pursuit of creativity

I don’t draw every single day. That’s something I’m trying to change but it just doesn’t happen some days. I still want to be creative though. That’s where some of my other interests come in. I particularly like paper (fondly remembers filling the paper drawers at Utrecht). Bookbinding was my hobby for awhile during college. […]
Poppy flower pods

Alright, guys. Here’s another pattern. There’s more in my sketchbook but this is the last one for now. (There’s something else I’m working on.) This pattern is more complicated than the others (previous pattern posts: Late night pattern creation & More pattern talk). But I still used the shape tools, pen tool, and pathfinder. There […]
A bit of a rant

I have a pet peeve. I hear something a lot when I speak to people about art. And it’s always the same. They’ll say the line, laugh and shake their head. Then smile at me like they came up with a great joke. The line is:
More pattern talk

Like I’ve said before, I’m loving patterns right now. I made a few of them in the last couple weeks. After the Grey/Blue Shadow pattern I made a hex pattern. It was fairly simple and straightforward and also gave me an opportunity to try out Quicktime’s screen recording feature. The hex pattern is a simple […]
Late night pattern creation

I stayed up late one night to create a pattern. No reason. But I spent time on it so it’s now in my Society6 shop. I made the pattern in Illustrator. It’s been awhile since I’ve made one. But the Illustrator tools make it so easy to create a pattern. I don’t know what other […]
Soundtrack of Art

It’s difficult to create in absolute silence. I need some kind of noise while I work. That’s lead me to find some great podcasts to listen to. Some artists listen to music while they create. But I think music has too much going on. I also only tend to music while I’m in the car. […]
What’s behind you?

When I was in high school I made a lot of drawings of figures floating in space. So much so that someone mentioned I should go into fashion design. I don’t particularly want to design clothing. I just found it easier to draw a figure without worrying about pesky little things like perspective. But AP […]
Drawing with graphite

I used drawing pencils for my Little Red illustration. I wanted to get good value and shading. Drawing pencils give me the ability to do that. Tools: drawing pencils blending stump/tortillon kneaded rubber eraser & white plastic eraser Quick recap of process: thumbnails > reference photos > line drawing > value and color studies > […]
Little Red drawing

Here’s the finished drawing. I showed this to my family and they thought it was somewhat ominous (“Why is her head cut off?”). This illustration probably works better/makes more sense in color. In total (to this point in the process) it took about 13 hours. The process was: research/thumbnails > reference photos/composite > rough sketch/refine […]
Little Red Riding Hood

The Queen paintings have been put aside for now. I hit a wall of frustration. But I’ll definitely go back at some point. I’m working on two things right now. Two fowl portraits (of golden pheasants) and a Little Red Riding Hood illustration. The Little Red illustration is a modern interpretation with elements that reference […]
Fowl portraits

If you’ll remember (is anyone actually reading this?) I went through some of my old sketches a few months ago. One of the sketches was of two chickens golden pheasants. I developed a bit of a bird obsession while I was in college. Particularly the more colorful ones. The golden pheasant definitely fits that description. […]
Continued Queen II process

Here are the steps so far for the second Queen painting. It’s steadily coming along. I continued working on the face. Painting skin is really difficult. I definitely need more practice. I tried to follow the tones of the grisaille underpainting. But I feel like the acrylic was very flat. I had trouble mixing the […]
Queen II process

I’m trying to do something different with the next Queen painting by doing an underpainting for the skin. Again, I think acrylic’s drying time is a hurdle. I’m still working on figuring out a good process for painting skin. I toned the canvas board with yellow ochre prior to painting. This step looks kind of […]
Acrylic painting beginning

As I’ve said before, the Queen paintings are going to be actual, physical paintings. I’m working in acrylic since that’s the easiest medium (besides watercolor) for what I can do in my space. And by space I mean a corner in my bedroom. It’s been awhile since I’ve painted figures in acrylic. (Have I ever? […]
Thumbnails galore!

I went though some of my old artwork as part of my resolution to be more productive this year. (I just need to make art, man…) I was looking for projects that I can update, redo, or finish. I have a lot of drawings from high school but it’s mostly girls just standing on a […]
Starting over

Sometimes you just have to start over. Continuing to work on the last image I realized the anatomy was all sorts of crazy. And trying to fix it in Photoshop wasn’t working out. I had to go back and redraw the head. I think this works better. The first Queen painting seems fine. I just […]
Like I’ve said (Have I? If I haven’t here I go…) the Queen paintings are going to be a series of paintings. I wanted to do them on 16×20 canvas boards but I’ve been waylaid by Photoshop. I’m having a lot of fun painting digitally. Since they’re part of a series I went into this […]
Digital painting process

I started working on the next Queen painting. It starts out really messy and confusing. But I just want to get colors down. All I’m using is the brush tool and the smudge took for blending (again, using skin texture brushes from Obsidian Dawn). I used an adjustment layer halfway through to shift the skin […]
Fun with digital painting

I’m mostly a traditional painter. I’ve gotten more experience and practice with Photoshop in the last couple years. But I am more comfortable with a paintbrush to canvas. But since I already had my sketches scanned in I thought I’d try my hand at digital painting again. I did the first painting above and left […]